I was inspired, for the first time in about six months, to write a really great blog post yesterday, but then I had to go help my brother finish editing the video footage from the concert I directed earlier this month and well… let’s just say it’s a miracle I didn’t kill myself (or him).
At any rate, the concert is over, the footage is edited and my PhD applications are submitted. Now I can go back to washing my hair on a semi-regular basis and making New Year’s Resolutions that I know I’ll never keep.
(Chief amongst them: go jogging at least once a week and learn how to type properly. You’d think after 600 blog posts I’d have progressed beyond my four-finger hunt-and-peck tactics but no, I haven’t.)
I don’t have much else to say at the moment so I will conclude by wishing you all a very Happy New Year and promising to blog more often– well, more often than I go jogging at least– in 2014.
PS: To this end, I am in the middle of my semi-annual blog makeover and I’m still sorting things out so I apologize for the wonky formatting.